On-site Transformer Cleaning & Painting

Cleaning and painting the transformer will ensure the long-term protection of the high voltage assets.

We recommend that transformers and auxiliary equipment are cleaned and painted every 5 years for coastal and marine environments, and every 10 years for transformers located inland and within industrial environments.

Transformers showing signs of corrosion can develop major issues such as tripping out of service or failure.

If the site has no restrictions and exposed conductors, our qualified team can clean and paint transformers without the need for taking them out of service.

Transformer Services can offer a full range of on-site cleaning & painting including:

  • Steam clean to remove oil residue, contaminates, flaking paint & any visual residues
  • Rust removal and surface preparation & treatment
  • Masking of all auxiliary equipment, labels & sight glasses
  • Spray paint using undercoat then semi-gloss coat to the following equipment: transformer tank, cooler banks, radiators, conservator, and auxiliary equipment
  • De-masking all equipment and providing replacement labels

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